Unusual challenges require unusual measures. One thing is certain: only, if we all pull together we will quickly overcome this crisis. As a family-run company, we rely on our core competence, which has distinguished us for decades: together we can do it!
Unrestricted accessibility
For example, use our free call back service
Our employees are still available from Monday to Friday during normal business hours. As usual, you can reach your contact person by phone or email. Should he or she be in discussion or otherwise occupied, please use our call-back functionality. We will then contact you immediately.
Met behulp van het onderstaande contactformulier kunt u ons snel en eenvoudig:
Receive a general callback from us
Clarify questions with us by phone
Receive information by phone
Make appointments with us by phone
Om uw vraag te kunnen verwerken moet u de verplichte velden (met een * gemarkeerd) invullen. Alle overige informatie is optioneel.
Wij gebruiken de door u opgegeven informatie uitsluitend om uw vraag of verzoek te verwerken. Hiervoor worden de door u opgegeven gegevens bij ons opgeslagen en intern aan de betreffende medewerker gestuurd. In principe sturen we uw gegevens niet door aan derden.
Verdere informatie met betrekking tot de gegevensbescherming binnen onze onderneming vindt u in onze privacyverklaring.
Inventory and ability to deliver
We process your orders and inquiries as usual
Murtfeldt is still able to process your inquiries and orders at short notice and supply you. Our warehouses are very well equipped with our standard items, individually produced parts can be supplied with the speed you are familiar with.
What we do at Murtfeldt against the spread of the Corona virus
Murtfeldt paid attention to the implementation of the security measures very early, because the health of employees, partners and suppliers is our top priority. We strictly follow the guidelines of the German federal government, the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia and the World Health Organization (WHO) and closely monitor current developments of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).
Since the pandemic outbreak in Germany, we have not received any visitors, nor do we visit companies.
The incoming and outgoing goods are subject to strict regulations, which were intensified during the crisis.
Except for a small emergency team, our administration staff are working remotely from their home office and are using the entire Murtfeldt infrastructure including Microsoft Teams to communicate with each other and to process orders.
Our production team is active on site. In order to protect them optimally, we have reduced the number of staff during the shifts and introduced special working shifts. We have introduced strictly separated work areas, specified routes precisely, marked safety zones around each employee and created additional sanitary facilities for the respective production centres. Additional hygienic measures by dedicated cleaning staff ensure the now extremely important hygiene in close intervals.
We keep all employees informed about developments and requirements in a constantly updated newsletter and offer immediate support in the event of problems.
Contact us if you have any questions or need support. Let us be there for each other. With distance and compassion.